Embark on a journey into the realm of organic agriculture with Dragon Carrot, a certified organic variety that exudes enchantment and flavor in equal measure. Developed by esteemed plant breeder John Navazio and his collaborators, this carrot variety emerges from the depths of Chinese origins, entwined with the lore of the Fucanglong Dragon—the guardian of the underworld and harbinger of hidden treasures.
Much like its mythical counterpart, Dragon Carrot conceals its riches beneath a regal purple skin, revealing a lustrous gold interior reminiscent of gleaming treasure troves. Beyond its mesmerizing appearance lies a delectable taste that combines sweetness with classic carroty flavor, offering a culinary experience fit for epicurean adventurers.
Celebrate the artistry and ingenuity of small-scale and public-interest plant breeders as you savor the delights of Dragon Carrot—a true hidden treasure in the world of organic agriculture.
- Certified organic Dragon Carrot (Daucus carota) with a captivating purple exterior and golden interior
- Developed by plant breeder John Navazio and colleagues, inspired by Chinese origins and mythical lore
- Purple skin conceals a bright orange and gold interior with a delightful sweet-and-carroty flavor
- Perfect for adding a touch of magic and flavor to culinary creations, from salads to soups and beyond
- Represents the dedication and creativity of small-scale and public-interest plant breeders in organic agriculture
- A testament to the rich tapestry of flavors and stories that organic agriculture has to offer
About Hudson Valley Seed Company: Hudson Valley Seed Company celebrates the union of art and agriculture by providing high-quality, organic seeds packaged in artist-designed Art Packs. Each year, their collection showcases a diverse array of seeds, including herbs, vegetables, and flowers, to inspire gardeners of all levels. With a commitment to sustainability and creativity, Hudson Valley Seed Company offers a unique and enriching gardening experience.
Jenny K's Commitment: At Jenny K, we're delighted to offer Hudson Valley Seed Company's Dragon Carrot to our customers. With our shared passion for quality, creativity, and sustainability, we believe in providing exceptional products that inspire and delight. Explore our selection of Hudson Valley Seed Company seeds and cultivate your own garden of enchantment today!